Monday 22 April 2013

Gilbert Melendez vs Ben Henderson: A Fairy Tale Ending.

Gilbert Melendez vs Ben Henderson. 

Good match.

Melendez started off strong, really dictating the pace and the centre of the Octagon. Dropping the Champ a few times like no sweat of his back. "Octagon jitters? Whats that?" Melendez thought.

Going into the 3rd Melendez got complacent while Ben turned up the pace, shifting gears.  This was the key point for Ben regaining the belt. Crafty leg kicks that dropped Melendez and a few moments of inspired attacks made a big difference and directly juxtaposed Melendez' mid fight apathy.

Having his right hand cocked for the latter part of the fight and not throwing it, when it was his biggest weapon was extremely frustrating to watch. Almost like, yelling at the screen at a crowded theatre hoping the movie characters will hear you, trying to forewarn the next victim to not fall for the killers ruse.

I always find that hilarious!

Gil, Gil, Gil, learn something from Cain Velasquez and Pressure. Never let up on an opponent you have running. Continue the route and release the hounds. Apply more pressure and try and finish the fight instead of coasting on past rounds victories.

But its all blood ink in the pen now.

How about that awe inspiring wedding proposal from Ben? Retains the Championship in a closely contested match up and a Beautiful Wife to enjoy for the rest of his days..

Im  not so mad at Melendez now, somethings are preordained. Melendez it seems wasnt only fighting Bendo but God himself, hence the hesitation of a frozen fist.

Its great to be Bendo these days almost Once Upon a Time-ish Fairy dust on his next chapters life.

Divinely written by God himself perhaps..

Congrats Bendo! & please invite Gil :)

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