Friday 25 January 2013

Rampage Vs Teixeira: Someones Getting KTFO.

Showdown at High Midnight: Cowboy vs Ninja

The barn yard is dimly lit, the frosted side of the door railing gleams like the sparkle of an eye expectant of victory.  The silhoutte of a cowboy comes over toward me and says "Wait till you see what i do to that punk Lucho", as frosted smoke makes a serpentine shape as if ejecting from Cerrone's very own fired up soul.

Cerrone ofcourse talking about his upcoming bout with Anthony "Showtime" Pettis. A battle of Muay Thai stand up is about to go down at high midnight. Where the pale moon will replace the sun in this parallel wild west universe and laser optics will look to zero in on the target like a Zero Dark 30 Bin Landen raid.

Who will win? who knows and who really cares. This is one we fans must sit back, savour and enjoy, like a vintage Chilean wine. Cerrone, the tougher and more rugged of the two will look to bring the battle in close and grab the younger Pettis on the cage and impose the Muay Thai plum or clinch, were he can muscle and perhaps do a little trash talking to add to the assault.

The younger ninja like fighter, Pettis, will look to impose his faster and more creative reflexes, like off the cage kicks he used against Ben Henderson in the WEC swan song and capoeira influenced strikes. As every UFC fight he engages in from now on is fuelled by the memories of his deceased father. Truly a young buck on a mission.

This ones going to be a barn burner.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Bisping: Out for the Count.

How many Bispings can a Bisping count if a Bisping could count Bispings?

"Not too many since Micheal "The Count" Bisping was out for the mutha effing count yall. ah ah ah." As a gangster Sesame Street Count would say.

And what was up with Bispings douchebag toupe? or was that a dead rodent on top of his skull?
Dude has to find a better hairstylist. Im sure the gay ones in Rio can hook him up nicely. Wink wink.

Vitor set him up perfectly in letting Bisping get comfortable in the boxing in the first round. Then Bam. Head kick with a sprinkle of ground and pound. Thats a rap folks.

Britain's best isnt good enough for Latin America. At least not yet. A cerebral hot bed for all things combat sports, their southern mma allies appreciate their enthusiasm and research into the latest and most advanced mma training methods. Opening up a page of the U.K's Fighting Fit Magazine will give you an insight into their brilliant nutritional and excercise studies.

Although Bisping has great footwork, he still looks really awkward striking. Any strong and powerful striker like Hendo or Belfort knows that Bisping wont be able to handle his Sunday best. So all they do is lull Bisping to a false sense of security with other distractionary tactics, opening up his defence, much like gambit pieces in Chess, "sure take my Knight and my Queen", to get what really matters most, your opponents King.  

Check Mate.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Start Off the Year with a Bang. Checkout the Best MMA Knockouts of 2012.

Courtesy of a loyal Souldier Mma blog reader Vazrick. Thanks Vaz!

I would just like to a take a chance and thank all the Souldier Mma blog readers from around the world. Russia, USA, Canada, Germany, Croatia, Malaysia, Thailand, Macedonia, Philippines, Austria, France & the UK just to name a few. Fresh New & Exciting things this year! Such as video interviews with fans, coaches, & fighters of the Canadian Fight scene. Im also looking to branch out and check out the scene in Europe and Latin America as well.

Stay posted Souldiers!

Thursday 10 January 2013

The Return of the King.

Cain Velasquez.

Ok so as we all know by now Cain Velasquez is the new & old ruler of the UFC heavyweight division.
Lesson learned? Dont try and dethrone the King because he'll just return to take it back.

Just ask Dos Santos.

Cain Velasquez reinforced his position as a brilliant game planner once again. Utilizing his eternal stamina, complete mma arsenal & indominable will to win.
Do you know how hard it is to come back from a fast and emphatic knock out loss? and to do it by dominating your opponent the way Cain did Dos Santos.

Nearly impossible. A task for only the strongest.

You have to overcome the psychological, spiritual, and physical barriers of a much bigger man.
The first few seconds of the match were everything. Cain had to attack Juniors aura of invincibility.
Thats why they were both SO tired, SO fast. It took a huge spiritual toll on both fighters.

Latino fighters are internationally renowned for their heart. Too much heart. The only way to beat one is to knock them out cold. Much like Gremlins. Real soft and cuddly outside of the ring but turn into a Hellbeast once the bell goes. In the remote chance a non Latino wins, he'll feel unsure he did and most probably like he lost for the next few weeks, as the cuts and bruises heal.

Just to make it clear to those who dont know the difference between Brazil and the rest of Latin America. Brazil is the motherland of MMA, and made up of mostly Portuguese and African descendants. They had complete rule over the sport for years and still do now, only to a lesser degree. Brazilians are Latinos first cousins if anything. They share the geography and culture of other Latin American countries but not the language and Indiginous tribal and Spaniard lineage.

In the triology i dont see Dos Santos doing much against Cain. Maybe he'll attempt a few uppercuts and haymakers right of the bat. Meh. Sorry Dos Santos, you dont get any faith points quoting Velasquez, and telling the world you will be back to get your belt just like the guy who told you the samething a year ago and came through on his promise. You do get points for withstanding a good 5 round beating though.
Cain will have a much improved stand up to the one he showed against Dos Santos on the 29th. Anyway no need for such talk now. All blood angels under the bridge. Now its time for that long overdue Christmas holiday he promised his daughter.

Its 2013 yall!  Lets all celebrate together. Get your Mariachi sombreros on, book your trip to Cancun, put more salsa on the speakers, and nachos, cuz the baddest man on the planet is Mexican.

Ay Caramba!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Its A Wonderful Life Indeed!

Little Girl -"Daddy daddy...teacher says everytime the bell rings another Latino Warrior smashes another chump and gets a belt."  Dad- "Yes yes!  thats right Princess!  Attaboy Cain!" Bahahahaha Victorious 2013 Y'all!