Sunday 20 January 2013

Bisping: Out for the Count.

How many Bispings can a Bisping count if a Bisping could count Bispings?

"Not too many since Micheal "The Count" Bisping was out for the mutha effing count yall. ah ah ah." As a gangster Sesame Street Count would say.

And what was up with Bispings douchebag toupe? or was that a dead rodent on top of his skull?
Dude has to find a better hairstylist. Im sure the gay ones in Rio can hook him up nicely. Wink wink.

Vitor set him up perfectly in letting Bisping get comfortable in the boxing in the first round. Then Bam. Head kick with a sprinkle of ground and pound. Thats a rap folks.

Britain's best isnt good enough for Latin America. At least not yet. A cerebral hot bed for all things combat sports, their southern mma allies appreciate their enthusiasm and research into the latest and most advanced mma training methods. Opening up a page of the U.K's Fighting Fit Magazine will give you an insight into their brilliant nutritional and excercise studies.

Although Bisping has great footwork, he still looks really awkward striking. Any strong and powerful striker like Hendo or Belfort knows that Bisping wont be able to handle his Sunday best. So all they do is lull Bisping to a false sense of security with other distractionary tactics, opening up his defence, much like gambit pieces in Chess, "sure take my Knight and my Queen", to get what really matters most, your opponents King.  

Check Mate.

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