Friday 25 January 2013

Showdown at High Midnight: Cowboy vs Ninja

The barn yard is dimly lit, the frosted side of the door railing gleams like the sparkle of an eye expectant of victory.  The silhoutte of a cowboy comes over toward me and says "Wait till you see what i do to that punk Lucho", as frosted smoke makes a serpentine shape as if ejecting from Cerrone's very own fired up soul.

Cerrone ofcourse talking about his upcoming bout with Anthony "Showtime" Pettis. A battle of Muay Thai stand up is about to go down at high midnight. Where the pale moon will replace the sun in this parallel wild west universe and laser optics will look to zero in on the target like a Zero Dark 30 Bin Landen raid.

Who will win? who knows and who really cares. This is one we fans must sit back, savour and enjoy, like a vintage Chilean wine. Cerrone, the tougher and more rugged of the two will look to bring the battle in close and grab the younger Pettis on the cage and impose the Muay Thai plum or clinch, were he can muscle and perhaps do a little trash talking to add to the assault.

The younger ninja like fighter, Pettis, will look to impose his faster and more creative reflexes, like off the cage kicks he used against Ben Henderson in the WEC swan song and capoeira influenced strikes. As every UFC fight he engages in from now on is fuelled by the memories of his deceased father. Truly a young buck on a mission.

This ones going to be a barn burner.

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