Friday 26 October 2012

Hitler. Captain America. Lance Armstrong & Chael Sonnen Walk into a Bar.

Hitler, Captain America , Lance Armstrong and Chael Sonnen walk into a bar..

What do these desposts,comical, pathological liars, and narcassists have in common?

They were and are larger than life characters interested in power at any cost. Even if it included the chemical enhancement of soldiers/athletes, thus the genesis of the super soldier.

In an ever more competitive world of sport, where winning means everything, should performance enhacing drugs that dont really enhance a fighter beyond the level of combat sports normalcy, be permitted in the UFC? Afterall, it doesnt get any more competitive than combat sports, where your livelihood depends on your own physical survival/avoidance of ending up in an emerg unit with a tube feeding you introvenus fluids. Where the indifferent nurse informs you her son's a big fan, brings you of some anonymous flowers and get well card by your #1 fan/stalker (a sumo fat guy,president of your fan club that has been watching the ufc since its inception in '93) along side a bowl of the hospital's finest, week old stale yellow jello.

In a post "Live Strong" campaign tainted with a well thoughtout and executed plan of mandatory mass organizational cheating and deception on the part of the unrepentant Lance Armstrong, should TRT be allowed in mma? PED's are currently being used by combat sport athletes over 30 years of  age. Where legends such as Dan Henderson. Rampage Jackson. and Chael Sonnen are just a few of mma's elite using this controversial treatment.

TRT is the acronym for testosterone replacement therapy and it essentially gives an older athlete the same competitive edge as a young fighter in his testosterone prime. Is it fair? Do athletes past their testosterone prime need to be elevated to a competitive equal playing field?  Is it just natures way of telling you to settle down and barbeque? Is it good for the sport if legends get a prolonged competitive career and fans get to watch their favourite fighters fight competitively well into their 40's?

I for one am for it.  If it gives our legends more PPV time then lets do it. MMA being the new sport that it is, has come to the Newtonish epiphany that any one fighter has up until his early 30's before his octagon aggressiveness diminishes. Therefore becoming a younger boys game where our divisions are going to be stacked with a myriad of pc no names just out hight school, clogging up the aisles of talent of our staple stars. 
No need to grow and shop around for other legends when the ones we got just need a bit of intravenous TLC, oops i mean TRT.

Lance Armstrong and TRT?

Apples and Oranges.

Both chemically enhanced fruit but not really the same thing. Afterall, older fighters have to make an honest living too.

This is a business first and foremost and if this TRT thing is anything like its acronym cousin TNT, then its bound to give our fading stars such as Rampage his explosive edge back and Chael Sonnen more bark to his narcassistic wittisisms. Is there a hypocritical comparison with Lance Armstrong's doping and TRT? The answer is NO.  Some see this whole sports enhancement fiasco as a bad joke, in this case the punch line here isnt about giving our favourite fighters an unfair competitive edge, just an equal playing field.

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