Tuesday 16 October 2012

UFC in Toronto. Jones vs Belfort. & the Al Bundy Connection?

Can you beat Jon Jones? if your honest the answer is probably NO. unless your a professional 205 ufc fighter or Al Bundy.The thought of Al Bundy finishing off Jon Jones in real life is both hilarious and somewhat disturbing. You see Ed Oneil has been practicing BJJ for 22 years, yeah thats right 22 years. Who better to give you a rundown of the Jones/Belfort fight.
Jon Jones was almost defeated by an armbar that Vitor Belfort put on him. It wasnt that well placed, hence the "almost". This video shows us what Vitor did wrong and what Ed Oneil and the Gracie cousins would have done different. The match itself gave way for a first. An accolade that skimmed the apex of minor mma miracle, a ufc anomaly, where Jones came the closest he's ever been to being submitted. and where Jones evolved once again as a fighter by showing his grittiness. The fact both fighters shared faith in the same God was a common bond that granted them a mutual respect for each other and an underlined competition to see which fighter God favoured. They both attempted deadly submissions, so which sacrificial mma submission would he accept? afterall.. Jesus didn't tap. God as it turns out almost gave favor to the old testament (pre TUF) octagon warrior. In the world of almosts, Vitor came within a ligament of victory. In this MMA game anything is possible. Heck, if Al Bundy can get a Black Belt, then the old BJJ adage "A Black belt is a White Belt that never quits" might be a bit outdated. I'm seeing a Red Belt in this Polk High heros future, and a cocky swagger and grimace from Al as he tilts his head back, grabs his fight cup and comically and confidently proclaims "Lets Rock".

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