Sunday 4 November 2012

GSP vs Condit. I'm Already Bored.

Condit vs GSP is going down. As in ppv ratings.

Condit looks like the favourite given that GSP is coming off a long injury. Condit's avoidance of fighting anyone at all till St. Pierre got back got him in a lot of trouble with the hard core fans. I hate to say this but Condit looks good in this one. GSP has yet to develop that killer instinct. Its hard to fathom such a thing in a sport like the UFC.

Two Jackson camp guys going mano a mano. Condit will look to imply a similar sprawl/stick and move game plan he used against Diaz because he wants to avoid getting taken down. GSP is going to test his octagon rust and his ability to comeback. As a Canadian i have to admit i felt bored of St. Pierre's style when it was still in style. Condit vs GSP offers fans nothing new.

Two new insights after watching UFC Primetime.

1) Zahabi should have his own show. Watching this guy coach is sheer brilliance.
2) I dont know how many times i can listen to GSP say "one ting eemportant een life ees good elt". French sucks.

Ok back to Condit and GSP offer nothing new..
other than perhaps the changing of the guard by default. GSP's injury & ring rust.Where the &#*@ is Nick "Hot Box" Diaz? As these UFC Countdown shows keep rerunning in our combat sports psyche, one wonders what new cliche will be repeated that hasnt already been beaten to death or analogy or quote that hasnt been said in a pre fight interview by a 100 other guys. This fighting thing gets repetitive like sets in a gym. But fuck it, we fight to get out of bed every morning.

And the new UFC Welterweight Champ..

The Natural Born Runner.

How does a fighter who masterfully back pedals for five rounds against Diaz and avoids fighting anybody else for almost a year in order to insure his spot in the GSP sweepstakes get to be called Champ? The Ultimate Point Scoring Championship has a nice ring to it. No, no it doesn't. What is this? 1984 Obsolete Olympic Tae Kwon Do?

P.S All the poor kids whose oblivious parents have enrolled them in these classes should have their money refunded asap.

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