Wednesday 21 November 2012

Johnny Hendricks: A Decisive Mythical Movie Villan & Ending for St.Pierre.

Johnny Hendricks is truly an animal.

Perhaps animal is an understatement, lets see a wolf knock someone out with one shot. Beastial qualities in appearance alone, and the shaggy beard proof that this homo erectus hasnt completed its full lunar evolution. The power in his fists would dictate a greek,norse or roman god lineage, or that of a mystical beast only vulnerable to silver bullets or perhaps an anime alien come visit us from the northest of stars.

Theres no way GSP will withstand the thunderous onslaught from one of Odins sons. Where's Maury Povich when you need a paternity test?

Perhaps acting is more St.Pierre's schtick?

Bon Cop/Bad Cop 2 "Put your hands in the air St. Pierre and walk away from the UFC Middleweight Belt nice and slowly.."

We dont need any more unnecessary deaths in this bloodsport division. Lest our next Championship bout has our beloved Octagon mired in amber cautionary police tape, while a shocked Detective Carruso, pausing his words and sentences longer than usual, wipes the tears from his Armani shades and with a solemn & shaken voice stoically mumbles "bag em and book em fellas". Mitsou's "Bye bye Mon Cowboy"can be heard quietly playing in the background in this episode of CSI Montreal. Hopefully a pilot that gets rejected at the hands of the only author that really matters, St. Pierre.

Theres no need for him to see the pearly gates so soon.

But one has to wonder if even St.Pierre did a movie would it ever have an ending? or would it be content with the audience just zombishly walking away, yawning after it reached the10th hour, and having a panel of judges outside the popcorn kiosk, throwing up skating judgement. Incomprihensible style decimal numbers.

There's Big Trouble in Little France. Where a certain hairy bearded trucker comes out of St.Pierre's big rig and mauls him to death for lack of indecision.

Yes i think this ending suits St.Pierre best.

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